My Dad Worked for the CIA – Babysitting for a Bicycle

The first SMART phones?

The first SMART phones?

When my mom and dad were still together as husband and wife, my mom took on part time jobs here and there outside of the house to bring in extra cash.  My earliest recollection of this is from an age where I think most of us think that kids don’t remember things. I must have been 3 years old, 4 at the very latest.  We were living in Fairfield, Ohio on a street named Creech Lane.  Mom was working part time as a server at a place called The Kitten Lounge.  I saw her in uniform only once or twice, but I very clearly recall the uniform included black stockings and I really have a memory of a fuzzy tail or maybe it was a long tail since it was a ‘kitten’ lounge.  (Years of therapy have finally gotten rid of my nightmares).

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