I am a Songwriter – well, OK…maybe I used to be

Marilu Henner wrote a book about memory retention.  You younger people probably don’t know who she is but she’s an actress.  From my generation, we know her mostly from a television sitcom called Taxi.  She has a very rare talent – she has total recall for every day of her life since about the age of seven.  (Me? I have total recall from 7 seconds ago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpTCZ-hO6iI

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A New Invention! – The Microwave Oven

The Magic Box

Hello Reader!  In my last post I promised to come back to you with another boring story about my continued awakening.  This particular episode takes us all the way back to the year 1974.  Clear your mind, Reader.  How old are you? If you’re younger than, let’s say 35, then perhaps you’ve always known about the microwave oven.  Your mother might have even used it to warm up your formula bottles, (and hopefully not if you were breastfed).  But what about those of you who are older?  Do you recall with any great clarity the time and place where you first came into contact with this wonderful invention?  I sure do. 

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The Annual Retirement Christmas Gift

Can you believe it? The time for the annual Christmas package from my old employer is almost here. For most years of my kids’ lives we had lived away from our Hamilton, Ohio home base.  Grandmas and Aunts sent the boys packages over the years for Christmas and we in turn would send out packages of our own.  Today we order a lot online and have mailed directly to the recipient, but we still utilize the post office too.  I buy US silver coins as stocking stuffers for the boys even today and still mail them at Christmas.  I’m always excited to do that.  In addition to the excitement of mailing a package, I feel proud that I’m giving them ’emergency money’ for their later years (US Proof sets have a history of rising in value).

The Dolly Parton Bldgs (aka P;G HQ)
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Small Town Downtown Hide-n-Seek & The Undercover Cop

Yup – he looked like Reuben


I grew up in a small, industrial town.  It’s downtown was very typical of every other Midwest small town downtowns. We had a small Sears, a JC Penny’s, a courthouse, a couple of small diner type restaurants and a department store by the name of Elder Beerman.  Continue reading

Summer is Officially Over – the Pool is Closed

Well, the pool floats have been dis-inflated and put away for the winter and the pump timer has been adjusted down.  Although the water is still in the pool, it will have to wait until the next summer season.  It is too cold to enjoy. 

View from the shallow end
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Meeting the CEO of Golf!

By the time of this writing I have shared more than 250 episodes.  Some are funny, some are heart breaking, some are ‘just just’.  Almost all of my stories occurred sometime in the past.  (Well yeah because how could a true story be about the future?).  Today’s story is about something that occurred only a few years ago.  It’s short, but recalling it still gives me a good chuckle. 

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My Desert Island Top 10 Albums

For Crying out Loud, You Know I Love You!

In my opinion, music is like food in that there are no definitive right choices that are above all others.  The choice is relative to the individual who listens to the songs.  It’s like food. I hate sushi, but my wife just loves it, (and yes, she has to gargle before I kiss her….hmm, maybe that’s why she eats it).  Where it comes to music, like most of you, I like lots of different types; rock, pop, bluegrass, even a good violin concerto.  Mostly though, I’m a rock and pop guy.  My favorite band of all time is Garbage if that tells you anything.  For this little blog entry, I wanted to put myself through the ‘deserted island’ exercise.  If I could listen to only 10 albums for the rest of my life, what would they be? 

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