My Desert Island Top 10 Albums

For Crying out Loud, You Know I Love You!

In my opinion, music is like food in that there are no definitive right choices that are above all others.  The choice is relative to the individual who listens to the songs.  It’s like food. I hate sushi, but my wife just loves it, (and yes, she has to gargle before I kiss her….hmm, maybe that’s why she eats it).  Where it comes to music, like most of you, I like lots of different types; rock, pop, bluegrass, even a good violin concerto.  Mostly though, I’m a rock and pop guy.  My favorite band of all time is Garbage if that tells you anything.  For this little blog entry, I wanted to put myself through the ‘deserted island’ exercise.  If I could listen to only 10 albums for the rest of my life, what would they be? 

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Remember the Time We Attended Our First Concert – How Can you Forget Alice?

This blog story is my very first entry for the Remember the Time Blog Hop.


The very first concert I ever attended was none other than the infamous 65 year old, still rockin’ today, (and known to his parents as Vince), Alice Cooper.  Not only was it Alice Cooper, but it was the Welcome to my Nightmare Tour.  The year was 1975 and the day was April 6, two days after my 17th birthday.  The concert tickets, (and the parental escort), were birthday presents and it was for me the very first time I thought my parents could actually do something ‘cool’.  I didn’t have any money and I didn’t yet have a real job so I was totally uneducated about concert events; where they occurred, how much they cost and what went on inside the venues. Continue reading